From March 01, 2025, the possibility to submit and sign documents for participation in the selection procedure for the position of a local court judge will be opened


Please be reminded, that from March  01, 2025, the possibility of submitting and signing documents for participation in the selection procedure for the position of a local court judge will be opened in the judicial career cabinet (in Ukrainian).

Before submitting the documents, please read the Guide to the candidate for the position of a local court judge regarding the documents for participation in the selection process (in Ukrainian). Video materials on the operation of the judicial career cabinet can be viewed at the link (in Ukrainian).

In addition,  candidates are recommended to review the information posted in the “Questions and Answers” ( in Ukrainian) section when preparing their application package, which outlines certain features of the procedure and documents submission process. Other useful information is available at the link (in Ukrainian).

The Commission maintains constant communication with the candidates: from December 11, 2024 to February 28, 2025, the Commission processed and answered more than 220 questions received from respondents via the Google form.

Currently, questions via the Google form are no longer accepted, but requests can be submitted in writing form to the following e-mails: zvernennia@vkksu.gov.ua  or inbox@vkksu.gov.ua   

In case of technical problems while working in the judicial career cabinet, you can contact the specialists of the Information Technology Department of the Commission’s Secretariat by phone: 044-233-63-76, from Monday to Thursday - from 08:00 to 17:00 and on Friday - from 08:00 to 15:45 (break - daily from 12:00 to 12:45).