
Association agreement: for all and sundry, March 20, 2015

Mr Sergii Koziakov, Chairman of the Commission attended the conference on «The Association Agreement for everyone» was held on March 20, 2015 in Kiev.

Given the importance of ratifying the Association Agreement with the European Union Ukraine, Ukraine Bar Association and Investment & Trade Facilitation Center (ITFC) held a conference to discuss current issues of European integration of Ukraine.

Mr Denys Bugai, President of the Ukrainian Bar Association and Mrs Tetiana Slipachuk, President of the Investment & Trade Facilitation Center (ITFC) greeted participants.

Mr Sergii Koziakov, Chairman of the Commission moderated the first session. The participants shared their views on the mechanisms for implementation of the Association Agreement role in the legal system of Ukraine and approaches to approximation of national legislation with European standards.

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