
Chairman of the Commission participated in the II International Legal Forum “Ukraine – EU”, 24 September, 2015

Mr Sergii Koziakov, Chairman of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine took part in the II International Legal Forum “Ukraine – EU”, organized by the newspaper “Legal practice” on 24 September, 2015.

During the event, the participants summed up the year after the ratification of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union. In particular, they discussed the issues of free trade and business prospects in light of European integration.

Mr Sergii Koziakov, Commission Chairman spoke at the session “Dispute Settlement” on “Judicial reform as a way of Euro- integration.” According to Mr Koziakov, the High Qualification Commission actively cooperates with European experts. About 20 internal documents of the Commission are reviewed and brought into line with the EU recommendations.

Discussants made a number of proposals, including about the role of the Association Agreement in the legal system of Ukraine. The discussion also touched upon the implementation of mechanisms and approaches forward the approximation of national legislation to European standards.

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