The IV International Judicial Forum “Judicial Reform: Status and Directions of Development” has begun, 17 March, 2016
Today, on 17 March 2016, the IV International Judicial Forum “Judicial Reform: Status and Directions of Development”, organized by the Supreme Court of Ukraine, the newspaper “Legal practice” in cooperation with the EU Project “Support to Justice Sector Reforms in Ukraine” has begun at the premises of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
This year Ukrainian lawyers, including judges, prosecutors, advocates, representatives of state service, scholars, for two days will be discussing constitutional reform and mechanisms how to reform the procedural law.
The Forum is attended by Mr. Yaroslav Romaniuk, Chairman of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, Mr. Yurii Baulin, Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, Mr. Oleksii Filatov, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine, Mr. Ihor Benedysiuk, Chairman of the High Council of Justice, Mr. Sergii Koziakov, Chairman of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine, Mrs. Valentyna Simonenko, Chairman of the Council of Judges of Ukraine.
Speaking of the activities of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine in the light of the constitutional amendments, Mr. Sergii Koziakov noted that the Commission will remain the authority for selection of judicial candidates, holding qualification assessment of judges and brining judges to disciplinary responsibility.
However, amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine provides that part of the powers that are within the competence of the Commission, namely the removal of judges from office, will be assigned to the High Council of Justice.
Mr. Koziakov informed the Forum participants about the initial qualification assessment of judges that the Commission started on 17 February 2016. The first results of the assessment made it possible to say that there are many worthy young judges. Of course there are also those who must undergo retraining in the National School of Judges of Ukraine or to draw attention to some issues related to the tax declaration. Out of every 10 judges 1-2 have such problems.
The Chairman of the Commission pleased that the qualification assessment term falls in the text of amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine. This procedure will be held according to the Law of Ukraine “On Judiciary and the Status of Judges” in such a way as is happening now or with possible changes.
Mr. Sergii Koziakov also drew the attention of participants to a considerable number of complaints received by the Commission. He also marked the problem of judicial candidates, whose term in the reserve had come to an end. If there are no amendments to the legislation, the Commission will stay without reserve judges at the end of 2016. Given the fact that according to all current procedures for training of a new judge 18 months is required, there is an urgent need to address the problem of reservists collectively.
To participate in the Forum there were also invited international experts from Latvia and Lithuania, namely Mr. Aldis Laviņš, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia, Mr. Rimvydas Norkus, Chairman of the Supreme Court of Lithuania, Mr. Jonas Prapiestis, Chairman of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Lithuania, judge of the Constitutional Court of Lithuania in retirement, Mr. Armanas Abramavičius, judge of the Supreme Court of Lithuania, Mr. Ignas Vegele, Chairman of the Bar Association of Lithuania.
The event will complete tomorrow, on 18 March 2016.