The High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine has decided to admit candidates who have successfully passed the cognitive abilities test to the third stage of the qualification exam within the framework of the competition for vacant positions of judges in appeal courts announced by the Commission’s decision №. 94/zp-23 of September 14, 2023, (as amended) - completion of a practical assignment on the specialisation of the relevant court, and has determined the schedules for its conduct.
The schedules for completing the practical assignment on the specialisation of the respective court can be found at the following links (in Ukrainian):
- General Court of Appeal (civil specialisation)
- General Court of Appeal (criminal specialisation)
- Administrative Court of Appeal
- Commercial Court of Appeal
If the surname of the person indicated in the schedule has been changed, the Commission must be immediately notified and a copy of the document certifying the relevant change must be sent (contact information for notification: tel. (044) 233-63-85, zvernennia@vkksu.gov.ua).
The practical assignment will be performed by the candidates for vacant positions of judges in the courts of appeal at the premises of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine at 9, General Shapoval Street, Kyiv.
To register, you must have a passport of a citizen of Ukraine.
The practical assignment will be completed by candidates for vacant positions of judges in the courts of appeal using computer equipment.
Individual codes for completing the practical assignment by candidates for vacant positions of judges in appeal courts are determined on the principle of randomness using the automated generation method (using an information system).
The workplace for the practical assignment by candidates for vacant positions of judges in appeal courts shall be determined on the principle of randomness using the method of blind selection by the candidate for the position of judge among the printed and randomly placed before him/her hidden options.
Access to the practical assignment by candidates for vacant positions of judges in the appeal courts will be provided to interested persons via real-time video broadcast on the Internet.
The duration of the practical assignment for candidates for vacant positions of judges in appeal courts is 360 minutes.
The maximum possible score for the practical assignment for candidates for vacant positions of judges in the courts of appeal is 150.
The passing score for the practical assignment for candidates for vacant positions of judges in appeal courts is 75 per cent of the maximum possible score, or 112.5 points.
The peculiarities of the practical assignment by candidates for vacant positions of judges in the courts of appeal within the framework of the competition announced by the Commission’s decision of September 14, 2023, №. 94/zp-23 (as amended) can be found here (in Ukrainian):